Entity Reports
The Africa Analyst has compiled a comprehensive database of African bank financial statements and supporting data, currently covering in excess of 400 institutions across 46 countries. Initiatives are in place to expand our coverage on a consistent basis. Entity reports (initially confined to banks) are currently available in three levels: statistical, standard, and comprehensive, geared to meet differing information needs and budgets. Using technology, digital channels and a remote workforce, we are able to offer this service at affordable rates, ranging from USD30.00 for access to a single Statistical Report, to USD90.00 for a Comprehensive Report. More detail with samples are included below.
Statistical Report
Click the thumbnail below to view a sample of the report.
Statistical reports provide basic information on African banks, including a business profile, sections with tables and graphs covering capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability and funding & liquidity. Financial statements in both the local currency and USD's are included, with a detailed ratios page.
Standard Report
Click the thumbnail below to view a sample of the report.
Standard reports enhance on the Statistical Reports, providing detailed peer analysis with ownership and market share data by total assets, net loans and customer deposits.
Comprehensive Report
Click the thumbnail below to view a sample of the report.
Comprehensive reports enhance the Standard Report with a corporate governance section with Board and Management detail where available. Key credit protection factors are scored, contributing to the overall score for the bank with a detailed rationale.
Sector Reports
The Africa Analyst compiles sector reports on the countries where sufficient information is available. Sector reports are available by sub-sector in each country, the main sub-sector being commercial banks, but can include sub-sectors such as microfinance banks or discount houses (in Nigeria). These reports vary in complexity based on the number of entities covered and are released on a monthly schedule, based on the availability of sufficient data. This schedule is provided below, with the expected publication month included in the sector list.
Click the thumbnail below to view a sample of the report.
Sector production schedule
In launching our sector coverage, we will initially focus on those countries where we have captured a market share of at least 80%. These are the orange countries in the coverage map on our home page.
Month | Countries |
Sep | Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ghana |
Oct | Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Botswana, Egypt, Tanzania, Nigeria, Burundi |
Nov | Rwanda, Tunisia, Malawi, Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Namibia, Angola |
Dec | To be confirmed |
Jan 2023 | Ethiopia (updated to FY23) |
Main pages
The database portal of our website is divided into a country list page, a sector list (currently only showing banking sectors), an entity list (showing banks), as well as pages listing banking groups operating on the continent and a credit ratings list. Registering on our website provides free access to these pages, although access to certain menu items is reserved for subscribers. Each page is discussed in more detail below:
country list
This page lists all countries in Africa, including Northern Africa and the Atlantic and Indian ocean islands. This page shows the number of licensed banks in each country, the number of banks where financial data has been captured and The Africa Analyst's coverage of each banking sector. From this page, you can click through to the bank list for each country, which serves as a resources list for the relevant country data, as well as useful links to news sites, magazines and other relevant information relating to this country. All of the information on this page is provided for free following registration.
entity list
This page lists all of the licensed banks in a country, which can be further filtered by sub-sectors such as commercial banks or microfinance banks. The initial page shows summary profile data on each bank, including the financial years captured. Icons provide access to the bank's website and annual reports (where available). Subscribers can access tabs listing these banks by Key Financial Data, Key Ratios and Growth Ratios. For Kenya, we have a 100% coverage, but for certain countries this may only comprise a few entities. Either purchase credits or subscribe, after which entities can be selected from this page to view reports. Statistical reports require 1 credit, Standard reports 2 credits and Comprehensive reports 3 credits. Selected entities are checked, similar to Absa Bank Kenya in the adjacent picture. Selected entities are added to your DASHBOARD.
sector list
Similar to the country list, but providing statistics on the number of licensed banks in each sector, the number of banks where we have captured financial statements and our coverage. The central bank's are also listed, with the icon providing a link to the Central bank's website. Drop downs provide access to the sub-sectors for each main sector, as well as the bank type. Selecting a sector provides access to the Sector reports, which are also added to your DASHBOARD.
banking groups
This page lists the banking group's operating across Africa, broken down into the following groupings:
- International Group's: Group's where the head office or origin country is offshore (Citibank, Bank of Baroda etc.),
- Pan-African Group's: Group's where the head office or origin country is on the continent, with subsidiaries located widely across the continent (Ecobank, Stanbic etc.) and;
- Regional Group's: Group's where the head office or origin country is on the continent, with subsidiaries typically confined to a particular region (East Africa, SADC etc.) or neighbouring countries.
The list includes the home country, major shareholder and subsidiary list. A drop down provides details on each African subsidiary. Consolidated group financials will also be captured.
credit ratings
Credit ratings across Africa are sourced from each agency's website. Although freely available after registering, there is no freely available listing of credit ratings across the continent. We will endeavour to ensure that this list remains up-to-date and complete, although this is not guaranteed. The Africa Analyst's employees and founders have all worked in credit ratings and one of our key objectives is to provide additional information on the rating process and how his differs across the agencies. Rating coverage across African banks is low, mainly due to the very low ratings of most sovereigns, but also impacted by the cost of this service. The ultimate objective of The Africa Analyst is to bridge this gap.